Never Trust a Hippy
TV Smith & the Bored Teenagers - The 100 Club, London 8.1.17

Really looking forward to this one as not only is TV Smith headlining but it's my first ever chance to see The Screaming Dead!!. No Steve this time, but I was there early for the soundchecks, but had the most brilliant time sitting and chatting with The Screaming Dead ... superb bunch of guys and their followers, chatted away for hours with them and watched their soundcheck, until finally it was opening time.

Next ... The Screaming Dead. Wow! .. what a band, so glad I finally got to see them. They were amazing.
The Sam came on with painted black eyes, dark glasses and a vicars dog collar! he proceeded to move around the stage as though he owned, prowling around and laying hands on selected member of the audiences heads .. great fun!

TV Smith & the Bored Teenagers finally took to the stage to great applause. TV Smith is ever popular and one of the nicest guys you could hope to meet. This was a good set and TV Smith had a backing band, so we had a mixture of his solo stuff and of course the Adverts tracks like 'One Chord Wonders', 'Gary Gilmores Eyes' and 'No time to be 21'. A really superb set by them and sounding all the better with a band! Unfortunately I had to cut my visit short due to a tube strike, however that didn't take any enjoyment away from the majority of the set that I saw.
A really great night and I'm all ready for the next visit .. UK Subs and Menace!!
UK Subs - The 100 Club, London 14.1.17

I was back again, less that 7 days after the last visit, this time were a couple of old heavyweight Punk bands were on the agenda. I started the night doing a few promo shots for Menace around the venue, then it was back to covering the soundchecks. By the time these were over it was start time and I just had enough time to chat with a few friends who had turned up, before the evenings festivities kicked off.

The night really kicked into gear when Menace took to the stage. Immediately the crowd responded with cheering and floor was awash with bodies leaping up and down to the band. Menace were doing a '77 set so we were treated to 'Insane Society', 'Screwed Up', 'I Need Nothing', 'Carry No Banners', 'Civilised', 'Live for Today', 'The Young Ones', 'Last Years Youth', 'GLC' and as an extra 'Fuck You'. Absolutely blinding set and the place was in uproar, especially during 'Fuck You', where everyone joined in!

Next up is the Davee Memorial gig at the UCA Canterbury, that should be an excellent night out.
Davee Wild Memorial - UCA Canterbury, Kent 4.2.17

I arrived early and help load in the kit for the evening. I bumped into a few friends from the bands that were playing and had a good catch up. Finally Steve arrived too and we were ready for the evening to kick off!
16 Guns started proceedings and even though the place was not full they really laid down a great sound. Tom stalked the stage like a man possessed cajoling the crowd into action. The breezed through their set and, as usual, really made their presence felt! It's such a shame that they are calling it a day at the end of the year!

Next out of the blocks was Belinda Carbuncle. These are a great band with bouncy comedy songs and they never take themselves seriously. As local boys they drew quite a crowd who danced and threw themselves around the floor to each track. This was the third time I'd seen this lot and I think they are superb, real good fun.

Headline for the night were Sick on the Bus. They really came out and blew the place away! Another absolutely superb band and a stunning performance too. The crowd responded and there were bodies everywhere! Such a powerful band they blasted their way through their set and received resounding cheers after each track, I really liked them and their set was fantastic!
Well, that was it, over for another year and another large chunk of money for C.R.Y. Loved the night and all the bands, once again another successful evening in the name of Davee Wild.
Another Winter of Discontent - Boston Arms, London 17-18.2.17

I was on my own for the Friday session of AWOD. I arrived and met up with a few friends before the proceedings kicked off. We started with The Mispelt who I had never seen before, they were very entertaining although not a lot of people had arrived at that point, but they played their set and those around seemed to enjoy it. second up were Kiss My Acid. I had seen and loved this band at last years Rebellion and as was looking forward to them here too. They were still superb, but the vocals did seem a bit lost during their set, bit of a shame, more like the sound guy had got it wrong.
The Sporadcis were next up and were another new band for me. They were ok, the Ska Punk thing doesn't always work for me, they had a great following and the crowd loved them, maybe I need to hear them again sometime to make my mind up.

Saturday arrived and it was day for me, Steve joined as well for this one. First up we had an acoustic session by Chris Butler which was ok, this was followed by The Fleas, a band I'd never seen but will out for after this showing. They were followed by our good friends, Surgery Without Research and their first appearance at AWOD. Boy did they make an impression and really stole the show. Amazing set from an amazing band! Hot on their heels were Anarchistwood and Damidge, two bands new to us and two bands that really blew us away! brilliant bands and ones I'd really like to see again .. anywhere!

We were now into the final straight and were treated to Dragster who were superb and really got the crowd bouncing as Fiona has a really great stage presence. After that it was Hard Skin who were their usual piss-taking selves, and then Los Fastidios from Verona, were their own Oi! style. This just left us with Antisect to finish the evening off, and finish it off they did! Loved them and would definitely want to see them again some time.
All in all it was a superb 2 days, loads of bands and many I'd never seen before, and certainly a few new bands I'll hunt out and see again!.
The Commited / Burning Lady - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 23.2.17

I met Steve in Canterbury and as we were a bit early a light bite was in order. After that it was back to the Lady Luck and a chance to catch up with friends before the bands took to the stage.
First up were our good friends Surgery Without Research. We had seen them only a week earlier at AWOD where the blew the place away. Back on home turf now they kept up the barrage with a brilliant set,

Next up were a band new to us, Burning Lady. They were a French band over here on tour, and seemed really good. They blasted through their set and seemed to pull in a lot of the younger Uni element, who were bouncing around at the front. Unfortunately at the time I was not that impressed. They made an OK sound, their drummer was bloody amazing and they were full of energy, but there was something missing. I bought their CD on the off-chance and it was only after listening to that did I realise quite how good this band was!!! It's not been playing in my car ever since! So, next time they appear over here I will jump at the chance of watching them again.

It was a superb night, three excellent bands and gave us a great chance to catch up with friends. Surgery Without Research are finally beginning to make a well deserved mark on the scene with AWID the week before and Undercover in Margate later this year .. good on you lads! you deserve it!.
A bit of a break now, as family events have taken over, but should be back to the gigs again soon.
Angelic Upstarts - The Underworld, Camden Town, London 7.4.17

I made the trip up to London easily and met Steve outside the venue where we popped into the pub for a couple of beers and chat before the evenings entertainment got underway. After a brief scare with the photopass we were in and preparing ourselves for the first of three bands that made up the night.

Second up were a band I'd never heard of before, an Oi band from Italy called Totale Apatia. We were not sure before they took to the stage, but one they got started, well, they were the surprise package of the night! Superb band! There were a few more of a crowd and certainly a few Italian followers really enjoying the band. I would certainly look out for these guys playing again, they were superb and so full of energy singing songs in a mixture of English and Italian.

Well, a superb night, three amazing bands, we went home happy bunnies .. and an obligatory kebab to finish the night!
The Wonder Beers - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 27.4.17

I was on my own for this one, but the pull of seeing the Wonder Beers live again was too much, so I made the journey across the Canterbury and arrived in plenty of time for the bands to start. I had a chat with a couple of friends there and then it was time to start. First up were a new band and their debut, Melisandre's Beaver. This was a three piece and all wore what looked like towelling jogging suits! Hopefully that was a joke? Anyway, they proceeded to blast out their set. They were not bad, especially for a band that were doing their first gig. They had obviously practiced as they seemed very much together, I wouldn't mind seeing them again once they have a few gigs under their belts and have had the corners rubbed off.

tHE rASH, I'd seen these guys once before, at the Lady Luck, however I couldn't remember much about them. I was pleasantly surprised as they crashed around the stage with masses of energy and the singer disappearing in the crowd from time to time. As with Dark Days, tHE rASH had brought quite a large crowd with them which really added to the atmosphere. A great band and solid performance.

A really brilliant band and all in, a fantastic night of music. It was a nice journey home with a mixture of Rancid and Wonder Beers in the CD player .. can't wait for the next one!
TV Smith - The Flowerpot, Maidstone, Kent 29.4.17

I was dropped off in town so I could have a few beers while at the Flowerpot, so it was a quick walk up to the pub. I had a chat with another photographer friend and then bumped into Mr Smith at the bar, so that resulted in another beer and a good bit of chatter.
After the last support band had finished I made my way to the front, where I bumped into a couple of friend and was ready to start! TV Smith took to the stage with a bit of banter and was then straight into his set.

We treated to a heady mix of '', 'Expensive Being Poor', 'I Delete', 'Immortal Rich', 'The Day We Caught the Big Fish', 'Tomahawk Cruise', 'Gary Gilmore's Eyes', 'One Chord Wonders' and 'Bored Teenagers'. The old Adverts tracks got everyone going, most of the crowd were joining in the choruses.
A brilliant evening with one of the most talented and approachable musicians on the circuit! Never a dull gig, always full full of energy and always a happy crowd from beginning to end.
Adam Ant - Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London 17.5.17

It was a really shitty journey in the pouring rain to get to the Royal Albert Hall, even though when I left home it was still sunny! Still I finally got there only be pushed from one door to another until finally the correct desk said yes they had my pass ... but I had to wait for another 5 minutes until they officially opened!! So I stood beside the woman for the allotted 5 minutes .. and then she handed me my pass!!! Then it was back outside and round to the stage door to wait until we were taken up to the pit ready for the first band.

We were then escorted outside and we had to walk back to the stage to door to await our security minder who would take us back to the pit ready for the headline act.

It was a great evening of music, Adam Ant still has that stage presence that all his adoring fans know and love, that carried the evening really and was helped immensely by the Glam Skanks set.
Eastfield - Elephant & Castle, Ramsgate, Kent 4.6.17

As Steve was in Wales, I made the long-ish trip to Ramsgate on my own. It was a pleasant drive, then parked up and into the Elephant and Castle. There were already a few there and so I grabbed aping and popped off to catch up with a few friends. Time seemed to wear on and finally it was announced that the first act would be on at around 9pm and sure enough on came DeKadanCe. I had not caught them for quite a while and so it great to see Kay and Russ back up on stage blasting out their tracks. The crowd was still small but they all seemed to enjoy the quirkyness that is DeKadanCe.

Once Russ was done, there was a short break and finally Surgery Without Research took to the stage. Biggest shock was the fact that there was a new drummer! Things had apparently come to a head and Paul had decided to part company with the band! A big shame, and all eyes were on the new drummer to see how he would fare ....

Last up were Eastfield, another band that never seem to put a foot wrong. Again they were superb and everyone at the venue was thinking likewise. They thundered through their set with the usual power and energy, bringing their Rail Punk to a small Kentish seaside town. Brilliant, couldn't have asked for better.
Nancy's Place - The Harp Restrung, Folkestone, Kent 24.6.17

I was on my own this time and arrived in Folkestone quite early. This gave me time to pop down to the venue and have a chat with friends. I had been to an evening before with Nancy's Place playing and it was a weird one to say the least, so I was expecting more of the same this evening.

last up were Nancy's Place, this is Andy from Surgery Without Research, and this is his experimental side .. now, while I am not a huge fan, their music was the best of the night, and really becomes more of a stageshow that a straight-forward gig. For a start, they have three guitarists who all play withe their backs to the crowd, while the two drummers face forward. The lead tended to walk around laughing and then started using a ball of wool to make a barricade across the front of the stage, which then spread to entwining the crowd too. All very strange but rather hypnotic! It was a rather interesting evening and gives an insight to other types of music.
BST Festival - Hyde Park, London 1.7.17

I made it to Hyde Park quite early as I knew it would be a sod trying to find where I was meant to be. Sure enough I was directed all over the shop for near on an hour, until finally someone with enough access took me down to the media tent. Once there the formalities of signing disclaimers was done they it was time to take a rest on the comfy settees provided and make my choice of (non-alcoholic) beverage from the fridge! Blimey how the other half live! One all was sorted I made my choices of bands I would like to see .. and then the day really started! First up were Stiff Little Fingers who came on in the main stage to rapturous applause. They did a usual set with 'Alternative Ulster', 'Tin Soldiers' and 'Suspect Device' in. They were really good and on the huge stage, even better.

We now had to make a trek over to the other side of the festival, to the Barclaycard stage in order to catch The Living End. These were an Aussie 3 piece and were a sort of Rockabilly Punk, but really very very good! A surprise package for the day. They went down really well especially when the double bass player jumped up on top of his instrument and balanced there for a few minutes!.

Next was a another slog over to the other stage for The Stranglers. I love this band and they covered the old favourites like 'No More Heroes', 'Duchess', '5 Minutes', 'Something Better Change', 'Grip' and 'Peaches', a superb set from an excellent band, loved it! Now it was the finale, Green Day, they have never been a band high on my list but they certainly put together a good set with the likes of 'Know Your Enemy', 'Basket Case', 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams', 'Holiday' and 'Revolution Radio' and the crowd loved them and cheered to everything they did and said ... that was the problem for me, a little too teeny-bopper for my liking, for me the fast, hard and heavy sound of Rancid was what really what I liked and wanted to hear.
Well, it was a truely superb day with so many bands that I liked and will hopefully see again soon!
The Dickies - The Underworld, Camden Town, London 7.7.17

I met up with Steve just before, in the Worlds End pub, upstairs from the venue and we sank a couple of beers along with Dave Nash who was also coming along for the gig. It was a great get together and very soon it was time to get into the venue. The Underworld is a brilliant place, with bags of space and we were wondering how filled up it would get?

It was a short break before the main band took to the stage. The Dickies bounded out onto the stage, and by now the crowd had multiplied so there was quite a good showing. The Dickies were playing two nights at the Underworld, this the first night had them covering their first album, 'The Incredible Shrinking Dickies' in it's entirity, and also a few a tracks thrown in at the end.

What a night, two great bands, and it was so good to see the Dickies once again, it had been too long since the last time.
Rebellion Festival - Winter Gardens, Blackpool 3-6.8.17

We did our usual trip the day before and Steve did the honours in getting us 1st Class seats (and back again too!!!), while I managed the 3rd class accommodation! Actually the Manuela Rose is our usual haunt, and they do a really superb breakfast!

Thursday, for me was the busiest of the lot and gave me the chance to see Evil Blizzard, The Soap Girls, In Evil Hour, Hospital Food, The Reverends, Acidez, Bad Religion, Pennywise and a real blast from the past Toyah. Best band for the day? it was close run, but a new band for me Sem Futuro".

We had reached the mid-way mark of Rebellion ... there were still so many bands to see!
DAY THREE: Today promised to provide a few heavyweights in the line-up and so it looked like another cracking day with System of Hate, Hands Off Gretel, Infa Riot, Blatoidea, United Bottles, The Anti-Nowhere League, Angelic Upstarts, The Violators, Steve Ignorant : 1977-2017 Set and Resistance 77 A great day with many great bands but the day's highlight had to be The Defects.

So, another Rebellion under my belt and a ton of new bands that I'd never seen of photo'd before, along with a few oldies I thought I'd never see. It was brilliant ... as usual!
Next up, as there is no New Rose festival this year, I'll be off to Cornwall for an all-dayer headlined by Dirt Box Disco, now that will be fun.
Dirt Box Disco - Mounts Bay Academy, Penzance, Cornwall 24.8.17

no 3 Chords or New Rose festivals this year, however an alternative all-dayer at the Mounts Bay Academy made up for it. There were a number bands on and it was so good to meet up with old friends from the former festivals who were organising this one too. The day kicked off with Die Spangle. I had seen these guys a few years back the 3 Chords, but they had really changed over the years. They were very good then, but now they were superb! A great visual act as well as a bunch of great tunes to bounce along to.

Following close on their heels were one of my favourite West Country punk bands, The Surgeons. I know the guys well now and they are the nicest bunch you could ever hope to meet .. and their music is top notch too, fast, raw and very '77! There's not much more you could ask for really.
Once they were done, it was a quick rest, and then it was a band from Merseyside, Biteback. I had seen these guys before and liked them, however now the line-up had changed and they were far far better! I even had to buy a CD, which is superb too!

Last up were the amazing Dirtbox Disco. A huge roar went up and they launched into their set. All our favourites were played, 'My Life is Shit', 'Something In My Eye', 'My Best Friends Sister', 'Burning', 'Standing In a Queue', 'Top Shelf', 'My Girfriends Bestfriends Sister', 'Guest List and 'Let's Get Wasted'. We have fun with inflatable balls and bananas, which were bounced around the crowd. They just seemed to go on and on, which was fine for all of us really!
Wow! What a time was had. The only downside was that I had to drive back to Kent after .. which meant I got home around 3:30am. Still, I'd do it again in a flash!
The Psychedelic Furs - O2 London Forum, London 9.9.17

Juts me this time as I had been asked to pop along for Vive Le Rock magazine to get some shots for them. I do like the London Forum, it nice just to wander round a have a couple of beers. I bumped into another photographer, Svenja, and we had a good chat catching up on what we'd been up to, before the show finally got under way.
Support for the night was looking very good, it was Lene Lovich. I'd just seen her the previous month at Rebellion and was looking forward to this as she always seems to put on a superb show.

It was a really great night. Lene Lovich was on top form as usual and I was really pleasantly surprised by how good the Psychedelic Furs were. So it was home, kebab and bed. Next up is back to the Lady Luck, should be a good one.
Hands Off Gretel - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 28.9.17

Steve and I travelled over to Canterbury ready for the evenings festivities, stopping for a quick Pizza on the way. On paper this looks a superb gig with two bands we really like and another that we'd not seen before.

Next up were one of our favourite bands, a probably one of our most watched too, Surgery Without Research. As usual they took the place apart! More people had arrived now and were really getting into the band.

Surgery were superb ... angry, loud, shouty and just good old punk Rock.
Last up were Hands Off Gretel. We had seen these at Rebellion a month before and they were very impressive then. They were no less so at the Lady Luck. A lot had turned out to see them and they played well to the crowd. I loved them, so another CD was purchased and added to the collection. Would love to see these again on the Rebellion stage and also back at the Lady Luck for another evening, they seem to be able to cover any size stage.
Superb bands and a superb night, Emma really know how to pick the best bands.
Peter & the Test Tube Babies - The 100 Club, London 6.10.17

I arrived early as usual and got some shots outside for the Badoes, plus a few of the soundchecks too. Then was off with Steve for a quick bite to eat before it all kicked off.
First band on were Foreign Legion all the way from darkest Wales. Seen this lot a few times now, but this was first time for a while .. boy had they improved! They got the sparse crowd up and moving as Marcus stalked the stage on each of their tracks. They went down very well, and were very much appreciated by all who were there.

They were followed sharply by the Arch Rivals from the West Country. They are very much an Oi band and get better and better each time I see them. A great bunch too and having seen them recently at Rebellion, I was looking forward to seeing them again here at the 100 Club. They did not disappoint and had the crowd up and stomping in readiness for the headline act.

And that was that, we headed home, well for a well-deserved kebab first!!.
The Warriors - New Cross Inn, London 14.10.17

Steve wasn't able to make this one, and I probably wouldn't have either if it weren't for the offer of a lift back with the Warriors after the gig. Even the train travel wasn't straight forward and I had to travel to Chatham as the main line in from Maidstone had no trains! Id did finally arrive safely and got chatting with a few people I knew before the gig finally got under way.
Kicking off the evening were a band called The Mistakes. They weren't bad, and were good to listen to, but came across as a bit of a filler, and didn't really offer anything different to remember them by.
Next up were Brainglue. Now these were better, very reminiscent of the Jesus & Mary Chain, and even looked the part. I enjoyed this band and would definitely like to see them again some time.

Geoffrey OiCott were next to take the stage. They are very good and have been going for quite a few years now, however, they just don;t do it for me .. and I don't know why. Their set went down really well, and the crowd plus all the other bands loved them, so they are definitely a band to be reckoned with.
Next were Knock Off. Love these guys, they play a superb set and are just the nicest hard-working bunch ever. They got everyone up bouncing around and they just seemed to have fun.

Headline act for the night were our old friends, The Warriors. The line-up has again changed slightly with the loss of Andy, however the addition of Mark and now Konrad and Beaumont makes their sound far more Punk than Oi. At the New Cross Inn they put in a superb performance. by now the crowd were warmed up and ready, bouncing along to all the tracks. It was a great performance by The Warriors and it was so good to see the new members really getting stuck into the tracks. It's a new chapter in the Warriors story and one that i think will take them to even more audiences.
All that was left was some food from the chicken shop outside, then it was home in the Warriors van. The guys very kindly dropped me right back at my car. A superb night!!! Loved it and really enjoyed all the bands.
The Ramonas - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 19.10.17

Finally it was a gig back with Steve again. We met up in Canterbury and scoffed a pizza first, then it was back to the Lady Luck. A good few familiar faces were there and we were able to catch up with most people before the festivities got under way.
The evening was set out as a trio of female led bands and the first up were a new band for us called Gutfull. This lot from Surrey were very very good. The venue was starting to fill and they managed to get the crowd moving and enjoying their tracks with great ease. They breezed through theri set and in no time it was over. Would like to see this lot again sometime soon!

Once it was over, I drove Steve back to Maidstone and we stopped off for our obligatory kebab, before going home. A superb night and three superb bands, Emma never lets us down withthe bands she books!
Dirt Box Disco - The 100 Club, London 28.10.17

After a week of work, it was back on the train, but this time I was off to the 100 Club for a real treat of a night. As usual, I managed to get there early and bumped straight into the guys from System of Hate! It was great to catch up, so we did a bit of a photoshoot around the 100 Club, before retiring round the corner in a local pub! So good to sit and a have a bit of a chin-wag for a while, before heading back ready for the evenings entertainment.
First up for the night were the Healthy Junkies, love this band, and they always put on a 100% show. Phil & Nina are the nicest people and always make to say hello and chat when they see you. The place itself was not very full, but still, those there loved the set.

Next up were System of Hate all the way from darkest Barnsley. These guys really know their music, dark and brooding Punk, really superb, a mix of Punk, Goth and industrial, they make a superb sound. They are a Rebellion regular, and it would not be the same without them. We were treated to 'Sanatoria', 'Zealot's Path', 'Mutilation', 'Apostle of Pain' and 'Unhallowed Ground'. Fantastic set and went down so well too!

The pace was bouncing around to each track, and the crowd joined in on every chorus. Dirt Box Disco are a band of 5 showmen, and when they get on stage they all perform, and perform so well. It is always the sign of a good band, when the set finishes and you are still w3anting more .. well that seems always to be the case with Dirt Box Disco.
Cockney Rejects - The 100 Club, London 2.12.17

This night really was very special, it was going to be the last ever 16 Guns gig! I arrived early and Steve turned up not long after. It meant we had some time with he 16 Guns guys and I was able to get some group shots of them early on. Then it was time to purchase their single, we were lucky enough get copies signed by all, so that was a rather superb memento of the evening.
Finally it was time for the first band to step up. This was The Outfit. These are a side project that includes Jeff Turner and one of his offspring. They are not really a punk band at all, but they did make a rather pleasing sound. They were fun to watch and Jeff spent a lot of time thanking everyone for listening even though the music was not in the same vein as the what was to come.

What an evening we both had, so it was just left with a train ride home and the obligatory kebab to end the evening and to end the year's worth of gigs! Next up will be in 2018, see you all there.
Vive Le Rock Xmas Party - Nambucca, Holloway Road, London 6.12.17

I arrived quite early, so before the venue opened it was off to have a swift beer to try and dull the pain of man-flu!!
Once back, the vebue had opened and it was a chance to look round. It was my first time at Nambucca and it looked to be nice little venue, small enough to still be personal yet the stage area was well sized.

Brillinat evening, even though I had to cut it short as I was feeling too ropey and needed to get home.