Never Trust a Hippy
On Trial UK - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 22.1.15

Even though Operation Stack had shut a good section of the motorway, I still made it with plenty of time to spare. So it was a quick drink before Steve arrived, then it was pizza and back ready for the off. First up were a band we've seen quite a bit of last year, Skaciety. They are a bunch of young lads playing their twist on Ska/Punk .. and playing it very very well! These kids get better and better each time we see them, and they also bring their own support, which managed to pack out the Lady Luck.

Next up, another new one for me, The Lords of Lonesome. This is Arthur Kitchener's new band having been with The Last Resort and The Warriors in the past and more recently solo acoustic. They were superb! probably my favourite band of the night. Not fast and not massively punky, but a really good band making a really good sound! They are playing again soon at the Davee Wild Memorial and I can't wait!

Well, that was another brilliant night laid on by the Lady Luck. That place has to be the best pub in Canterbury and continues to put on class acts, long may it last! Wearily me and Steve headed home ... oh! but by way of the kebab house first!
Less Than Worse - The Castle, Sheerness, Kent 31.1.15

Amelia and I set off on her first time photographing a gig and we chatted in the car about how she should go about it and what she'd think of the bands. It was a short trip and we were soon at the Castle. Once in I introduced her to the many faces and we got prepared for the fun to come! The evening kicked off with The Commited, always good for the money, they were superb as usual. Unfortunately the lighting was the worse its ever been in the Castle, so a lot of time was spend by the both of us trying to get the cameras to focus on the subjects!

Before the last band a draw was made for the Up The Punks project. The idea is that a number of Kent bands all put a cd of their music into a hat and each band then drew someone else's CD. They then have to go away and learn one track from it. They will then meet up in Blackpool the day before Rebellion and play a gig in a local venue with each band playing their track! Now that should be fun! There may even be a CD made out of it ....

So another gig over and 3 excellent bands. Amelia really enjoyed herself, I think she liked Skaciety the best and would like to see them again some time soon. Next up is the biggie .. Davee Wild Memorial Weekend, 4 days of Punk/Ska bands, now that's gonna be immense.
Davee Wild Memorial Weekend - Canterbury, Kent 5-8.2.15

I arrived for the the first day rather early and after helping bring in the gear, it was a quick pint before Steve arrived. There were 5 bands on the line-up so we had a pizza and nipped back just in time for the evenings kick-up. We started with DeKadanCe which was Russ Crimewave and Kay (from PCF & Decadent Few), they were superb and were quickly followed by a covers band that had not long reformed, called The Remains. These guys were ok but the guitarist really needs a lot more practice ... Next up were Surgery Without Research, an old favourite of ours! However they were a little late starting as we all awaited the arrival of Paul the drummer!. Once he was settled, Surgery, really set the place alight and paved the way for the final two bands, The Vile and Sick on the Bus. Both these bands we had been looking forward to, and we were not disappointed, however The Vile most definitely stole the show!! They were superb and Rat was at his best.

Now the evening was really bout to kick off ... it was packed and the likes of Left for Dead, Red Flag 77 and The Restarts blew the lid off the Maidens Head big time!!. That just left Citizen Fish to top off the evening.

So that was it, 4 days done and dusted. What an event, Davee would have been so proud to have seen so many attending and so many bands playing! a true memorial befitting such a generous guy. Davee you will always be remembered and missed by those who knew you.
Another Winter of Discontent - The Boston Arms, London 26.2.15

I arrived quite early and popped in the pub for a swift beer. Steve arrived later and after another beer and a chat we had a bite to eat before hitting the venue ready for the evenings entertainment. There had been a bit of work done to the venue which meant the stage was far better than before and the lighting was amazing! So we were all set for a great night.

There was only a very short break before Emergency Bitter took to the stage. Never seen these guys before but they were excellent. Had quite a following there including the vocalist from Skurvi, who by now was very pissed and joining them on stage! Their set was excellent and the longer it went on, the more people tuned up to mosh at the front.
Next up were a well known band to us, 16 Guns. We've seen these guys so many times now and they are always value for money. This was second time in month we'd seen them and with the new line-up too. Last time the drummer seemed rather nervous .. no sign of that this time!

Penultimate band for the night were our old friends, Charred Hearts. It has been quite a while since we last saw them over in Bangor. This was one of the best sets I've seen them do in a long time! They were superb, even with Dermot doing his walkabout later on in the set. Maybe it was because they were still sober? who knows, all I know is that they got the crowd going and really set the place alight with tracks 'Ronald Reagan', 'Everybody', 'Throwaway Society', 'Fucked in the Head', 'Nowhere Town' and 'You're Bringing Me Down'.
Headlining the first day of AWOD were Peter & the Test Tube Babies. Always like this bunch as they always put on a great show .. and the crowd always go wild. These guys are always a favourite with Steve as well, so he was very pleased as they went though their set with 'Run Like Hell', 'Banned from the Pubs', 'The Jinx' and 'Moped Lads'. So that was it for the first night. So glad we went as all the bands were excellent! Next up, Sham 69 at the 100 Club ... and it's Jimmy Pursey's 60th too!
Sham 69 - The 100 Club, London 27.2.15

Was on my own for this gig as Steve was doing a second day of AWOD. I arrived early and managed to get a few shots of the soundcheck, bit of a shame that Jimmy Pursey didn't turn up for it though! Anyway was good to the rest limbering up ready for the off. First up for the night was a Brighton based band, Dirt Royal. I'd never seen them before, but was very impressed, they sounded like a heavier version of the Jam. They went down very well as the place was already filling up nicely. The more they played the more people came to the front to join in, they were going down very well.

After a short wait, Sham 69 took to the stage. They were superb, with their set containing 'What Have We Got', 'I Don't Wanna', 'Ulster Boy', 'Rip Off', 'Tell Us the Truth', 'Angels With Dirty Faces', 'Questions and Answers', 'White Riot', 'If the Kids are United' and 'Hurry Up Harry'.

Sham 69 are a great band to watch and have some of my favourite ever tracks, however Jimmy Pursey needs to realise he's not that well known any more. When you have the likes of 'Sir' Charlie Harper (Jinsy praise him) who spends his time chatting and mixing with the crowd while posing for endless photos, Jimmy disappears off into the dressing room and stays as far away from his fans as he can. That's not the way really and it was shame because that left a bit of a bad taste in the mouth after an excellent night of Punk Rock.
Next up.. well probably the Lagan in Canterbury ... but who knows! things change so quickly at the moment.
The Ramonas - The 100 Club, London 21.3.15

There were three of us for this little jaunt as a friend, Gerry, joined us for the evening. We got to the 100 Club with a while to spare, so it was down to the Ship for a couple before heading back to the 100 Club. There was still no sign of any bands when we got back so there was just enough time for another swift beer and a CD purchase before band members started heading towards the stage.

So we had the likes of 'Judy is a Punk', 'Beat on the Brat', 'I Wanna be Your Boyfriend', '53rd & 3rd', 'Chainsaw', 'Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue', 'Loudmouth', 'Shock Treatment', 'Suzy is a Headbanger', 'Pinhead', 'California Sun', 'Commando' and 'You're Gonna Kill That Girl', in fact it was the entire first two albums, all done at 100mph in true Ramones fashion. Well, superb band! superb sound! ... and I do hope i get to see them again some time soon.
Next up it's me and the wife off to see the Lagan at the Lady Luck in Canterbury, this should be good!
The Lagan - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 26.3.15

This was a first time for Melinda at The Lady Luck and she seemed to like it, it was also her first time to see The Lagan, which she was very excited about. It lifted the spirits after a somewhat shit meal at Zizzi's, which consisted of a tasteless pizza (which i ate anyway) and an appalling pasta dish for Melinda which had asparagus on top that had more string in it than the waiters vest! That was sent back! It took so long for the replacement to arrive that we just paid for what had eaten and left .. never again.

Next up was a one-man band, Andy Twyman. Now again this was folk, but his songs were amusing and kept the crowd laughing through his rather short-ish set. Looking back on it he was actually quite good and the Lady Luck was beginning to fill, so he got a good round of applause. Following close on his heels were The Folkestra. They were like a non-irish Lagan ... but really not as good. They were from Burnley and were stopping off to do a gig on their for a few dates in France. Melinda was really, really not keen .. she said they were too heavy and she didn't like the sound they made.

The lagan just blew us away .. they went into their set with so much energy and seemed to love all that they did! With tracks 'Sunny Day in Southie', 'The Star of County Down', 'I'll Tell Me Ma', 'Work Away', 'Sailin' East' and then, dedicated to Melinda and I, they did 'The Fields of Athenry'. Bu that wasn't the end though, as they finished on 'Same Shite Different Night'. The place was in uproar, everybody was clapping and cheering, as were we! I just can't wait to see these guys again, and Melinda is going to make sure she is there at the 3 Chords Festival to see them again.
What an evening, Melinda and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and can't wait to see them again in August. My next gig now is back at the Lady Luck for Maid of Ace and a very strong supporting line-up.
Maid of Ace - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 2.4.15

Steve arrived straight from work, and we met up in the Lady Luck. We had a chat then it was off for a quick Pizza then back ready for the festivities to begin.
First up for the night was Nobby's band, Snide. We've seen these guys a few times since Nobby resurrected them and they just seem to get better and better. This time they were a good tight combo and pumped out the tracks. As they are a local band there were a few regulars there to shout them along, but as is usual for the first band on, they were not particularly well attended. a shame really as people were missing a really very good band.

Headlining the evening were Maid of Ace an all sister 4 piece from Hastings. We've seen them a few and they are another band that never fails to hit the mark. From the moment they hit the chord the crowd were enthralled and pretty soon there no space to be had at the front as they really got into their stride. It was noticeably all men at the front, either fans of the music of the girls themselves .. it made no difference really everyone was enjoying themselves anyway.
So, another superb evening spent at the Lady Luck, 16 Guns really nailed it for me, however UK Vomit were the surprise package of the night and I would really like to see them again on a larger stage..
Cockney Rejects - The 100 Club, London 17.4.15

Early trip to London for me as I wanted to catch the soundcheck. Once there I spent a while chatting with one of the promoters and the Rejects manager, until the Rejects (and Steve) arrived. Then it was a few shots of the soundcheck before popping up to watch the Rejects do an interview for a magazine (and take a few more shots).It was quite refreshing to chat with Jeff & Mick (really down to earth guys) and gave me a chance to tell them that I was at the Demelza's gig back in '79, was good to reminisce with them. After doing a few more shots of the Morgellons soundcheck it was time for me and Steve to pop for a bite to eat, then it was back ready for the evening to start.

Next up were The Morgellons. I had seen them once before at last years Rebellion, but to be honest I could not remember what they were like. I did quite enjoy them, although I do think I'm gonna have to see more of them to make a clear decision. The crowd seemed to like them as well and they played a great set until the last couple of tracks when it seemed to fall apart a bit! Still, they did 'Cold Dark Sunrise', 'Blank Generation', 'Monochrome Soul', 'Give it Back', 'The Drawback' and 'Foos Rush In'.

Finally it was the turn for the Cockney Rejects. Ive always liked these guys since seeing them in '79, so this was another great gig. The sell-out crowd went mad (as expected) and rucked along to 'Fighting in the Street', 'Power & the Glory', 'Shitter', 'We Are the Firm', 'Hate of the City', 'We Can Do Anything', 'Join the Rejects', 'War on the Terraces', 'Bad Man', 'Police Car', 'War on the Terraces', 'Flares & Slippers', 'Bubbles' and 'Oi Oi Oi'. The place just went wild and the rejects really played to the crowd, egging them on and knocking out tracks that everyone loved.
So that was that, a truly brilliant gig! Next up is Anti-Pasti and support is 16 Guns (again!) ... excellent.
Anti-Pasti - The New Cross Inn, London 25.4.15

It was a different train journey this time, travelling from Chatham rather than Maidstone. Once there I met up Steve and the 16 Guns lads, so a few beers and chat followed before we were ready for the first band. The evening opened with Knock Off, a really seriously good punk band. I had seen them once before supporting Sham at the 100 Club and really liked them then, this time they were even better! They blew their way through 'The Hunted', Same Shit Different City'', 'Bullet in the Head', 'Believe', ''Aint No Fool', 'Little Boy Soldier', 'Why' and 'Jack the Ripper'. There were not many in the crowd to see this set but those that missed it, missed a real treat!

Penultimate band were old friends, 16 Guns. We had already seen them twice t5his month already, but it was always good to see them again. 16 Guns were their usual brilliant selves, this time the crowd was quite small as there was a lot going on this weekend, but that didn't dampen the set, they still gave us 'Killer', 'Friend or Foe', 'Johnny be Good', 'Don't Care', 'Psycho', 'Punk Rock Stardom', 'James Bond', 'C29', 'True Story', 'Private 999' and 'Feed the Paedophiles' ... but still no Roy Cropper!! When WILL they add this classic back! .

So, although the crowd was thin on the ground it was another superb night with 4 superb bands. I think both Steve and I went home well pleased ... especially as the night ended with a kebab ... nice!
Theatre of Hate - The 100 Club, Oxford Street, London 10.5.15

I got to the 100 Club quite early and was in time to catch Theatre of Hate's sound check .. bloody hell they were good! It was a bit more official this time, having to ask permission from their manager to take photos during the soundcheck and being told yes, but stand well back. So shots were done and it was time to pop out for a quick beer with Georgina before returning ready for the start. I met up with John Griffiths and we chatted for a while until it was time for the first band.
First up were a new band for me Folk Grinder. Now these guys are really just a heavy folk band (as per the name I suppose). They were ok but not really my thing at all, however I was happy to listen to them, plus they seemed to go down very well with the crowd. The place was really filling up now.

Well, that was another successful trip to the 100 Club, next up is a trip Spain with the Warriors!! Can't wait!.
The Warriors - SHARP Invasion, Gijon, Spain 16.5.15

The weekend started early .. very early, up at 3am and off to Stansted. Met the Warriors at departures and, after being held up to have my bags searched in microscopic detail, I finally made it to the aircraft with seconds to spare! We were met in Santander by a couple of the organisers and a member of one of the other bands playing, and after a spot of breakfast we took the 2 hour drive to Gijon. Gijon did look lovely and the weather was quite warm too. We were shown to our rooms in the hostel then it was off for a few beers (which were badly needed by this point). We were later moved to another bar where we met most of the crowd that would be at the venue later, all were quite young skinheads and very friendly. Lunch was part of their festival, so it was stand up and help yourself to plates of food that just kept coming out, and very nice it was too, with Calamari, Breaded Mozzarella, Spanish Omelets, bread and so much more. part of this festival was Cider, but it had to be poured from a height to 'activate' the alcohol .. hmmm. I don't drink cider so I just had a taste then stuck to beer. After a few hours we popped back to the hostel for a quick rest before the gig.

After sound checks and more beer the gig finally got under way. There were already a few people milling around when the first band, Dentellada took to the stage. These boys were a local band and all young kids, but they really went for it and the crowd did like them anyway. They breezed through their set and I really did enjoy them.
Next up were another local band, Mad Skins. These guys were a bit heavier and seemed to have a lot more local support. Again they blasted their way through their set with guys climbing on the stage to join them for the last couple of tracks.
The penultimate band were from Madrid, Strike Back, and they were the best so far. They were far heavier in sound and a really tight little band. I loved them, and again the crowd were going wild, jumping on and off stage to join in. These guys were obviously well known to the locals and went down very well.

What a superb 2 days! I have to say a huge thankyou to the Warriors for taking me along, and thanks to the guys and girls, who organised the gig sand came along to watch, such a friendly crowd and great to chat with.
The Warriors - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 4.6.15

This was a last minute decision to pop over to Canterbury for a gig that put together some really excellent local talent plus a Minnesota band touring Europe.
I was on my own this time, however upon arriving there were all the usual faces to chat and have a quick beer with. I spent a while with Paul chatting about the new line-up of Swampstomper, a band who I'd not seen for ages.

Second up were Degeneration an Oi band from Minnesota. These guys were superb, hard and heavy. They were doing a tour of Europe and were heading to Brighton next, then back to the continent. They pulled in quite a crowd, with many wanting to see what they were like and then staying because thy were so good. I would certainly ant to see these guys again if they come back to this country.
Degeneration were always going to be a hard act to follow, but Swampstomper managed it easily! I had not seen these guys for some time (having loved them before) and now they had a new tighter line-up, so it was a case of are they still as good? I needn't have worried, they were even better! much tighter and still that heavy Rock/Punk sound, superb!.

Now came the headline act, The Warriors, as usual the place rocked.... Saxby spat out the lines of each track to an exuberant and exited audience, they responded by leaping around, a little crowd surfing (not really allowed in the Lady Luck, but hey!). The Warriors pulled out all the stops with tracks 'Warriors Come Out to Play', 'Marlon Brando', 'Shit Town', 'Bank Holidays', 'Never Forgive Never Forget', 'Woman Beater', 'Horror Show', 'Dead to Me', 'Violence in our Minds', 'John Fila', 'S.N.A.F.U.', 'Buddah of the Backstreets' and 'Bankrupt Britain'. Having just seen them the other week over in Gijon, they seemed even better back on home turf with a local crowd .. even if the Lady Luck is getting a bit small for them now.
Well, what an evening that was, next up is Special Duties and Chelsea ..tomorrow night!
Special Duties - The 100 Club, London 5.6.15

Again it was an early arrival for me so as to catch the sound checks. Steve also arrived in time, so we sat and watched both Chelsea and Special Duties run though their pre-gig checks, it was really excellent. We then popped out for a bite and returned refreshed and ready for the evenings entertainment.

It was a short break then Chelsea hit the stage, again another band I'd seen a few times and really enjoyed, but tonight they were on fire. They blasted their way through 'I'm on Fire', '12 Men', 'Come On', 'The Loner', 'No Admission', 'Evacuate', 'War Aross the Nation' and 'Right to Work'. They went down so well, being called back for their encore and still the crowd wanted more of them.
So, all in all another superb night! Not sure when my next gig will as I may have to cry off the Evil Conduct gig I had planned for next week!
Up The Kent - The Co-op Sports & Social Club, Sheerness 11.7.15

I managed to make the venue with some time to spare, so I settled in and had a chat with a few of the guys before the bands started. The whole idea of 'Up the Kent' was to promote Kent bands, and this was done by each of the bands involved recording a track from one of the other bands. So during the gig each band had a set which included their track. Some bands had difficulties in getting their band together so some changes were made during the day.
That said, the first band All Flags Burn kicked off the proceedings in superb style. They had a full compliment and crashed through their set and covered their track 'No Solution' by Dropthis. Next up was an old friend, Russ Crimewave with his usual acoustic set.. he really does get better and better each time I see him. Russ covered 'Queen of the Council Estate' which was a Less Than Worse track. Russ was even joined on stage, for one track, by Andy from Surgery doing some vocals and Aiden from Skaciety on guitar, superb!

So, that over The Halfwits took to the stage with their usual 'take the stage by the scruff of it neck' attitude! They bounced and crashed through their set to the obvious enjoyment of everybody there. Their cover was The Warriors 'We Are Not the Enemy'.
Headlining were The Warriors and they went full into their set! They were, as usual, superb! Love this band!, their cover was Snide's 'Pain and Glory'. The crowd loved them although their set seemed a bit short, however that made no difference to the quality. SO, that was that, a superb day out and all the bands really went for it! Great meeting up with the usual crowd, and Steve even made it for the last two bands. Rebellion looms now and three of the bands, Ted DiBiase, The Warriors and Skaciety will all be performing there, with the Halfwits playing a Rebellion warm-up the night before in Blackpool with Skaciety, Ted DiBiase and Dropthis, can't wait!.
For me, its a well deserved holiday first .. then Choking Susan at the Lady Luck before the trek to Blackpool the following day!!
Choking Susan - The Lady Luck, Canterbury, Kent 4.8.15

I arrived quite early and had a quick chat with those there, had a bite to eat and settled myself ready for the evenings entertainment. As I was sitting outside Colleen and the guys from Choking Susan turned so we had a bit of a chin wag until it was time for the first band to strike up.

Next up were an old favourite, The Healthy Junkies. These guys always put on a great set and are a great bunch to sit and chat with. Since I last saw them they have again changed their lineup, with the drummer replaced and Dave Renegade back on bass. The place had started to fill up now with people wanting to see the Healthy Junkies and they didn't disappoint, crashing through their set and the usual fashion, and the crowd loved it and responded. When they were finally done, you really felt everyone would have liked more.

Rebellion Festival - Winter Gardens, Blackpool 6-9.8.15

We did our usual jaunt up on the train, except this year Steve booked us 1st class on the journey up! Wow, comfy set and we were plied with beer by the attendant after she realised where we were heading! Once there we settled in to our usual room then it was out for food. The evening was a bit different as a number of Kent bands had come up and were playing in a pub nearby! so we had The Half Wits, Ted DiBiase

The Thursday, as per last year had a cracking array of bands more usual on the line-up, so were were treated to the likes of Reverends, Evil Blizzard, Trioxin Cherry, System of Hate, Sick of it All, The Business, Red Alert and our superb local boys Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band who, for me, really topped Day 1.

The halfway point, and I didn't even see it coming!! too wrapped up the fantastic 2015 line-up.
DAY THREE: Saturday appeared suddenly! but did bring with it such an excellent line-up. The Adicts, Argy Bargy, A-Heads, The Boys and Crashed Out, The Lurkers, Anti System, Wonk Unit and Coitus. There was an unusual headliner, The Boomtown Rats and Bob Geldof, who managed to alienate the whole crowd, of which many just walked out after he abused them for wearing 'Black t-shirts with crap bands on them' .. way to go Bob .. you knob!. I loved the whole day, but the highlight for me was the Buzzcocks who just lit the place up, they were on fire for the whole set and captivating to watch.

I didn't get back to the guest house until about 1am, then Steve and I went for a kebab and a chance for me to recount my sad few hours in A&E, before heading back to the guest house for a well deserved kip.
Another Rebellion over, had a superb time with Steve and met so many friends and made some new ones too. Highlight of 2015? A clear decision this year .. In Evil Hour, they have just got better and better each time we've seen them, this year, on the Empress stage, they just blew the rest away.
Next up is the 3 Chords Festival in Cornwall and that is also a superb line-up this year.
3 Chords Festival, Penzance, Cornwall 29-30.8.15

I set off this year, again with Melinda and Amelia, except this year Amelia was to be helping me by taking shots as well, to it looked to be a superb festival and hopefully one that could Help Amelia get into some of my bands. On the trip down she was listening to a few CD's, in particular Dirt Box Disco .. I could see this was going to be THE band fro her to see.

After a brief beer and a chat it was time for the craziness that is Wonk Unit. Seen these guys a few times now and they never fail to impress. Following them were Noise Agents who are always a great band to see. Little did I know but it would be the last time I was to see Noise Agents as not long after Andy stated his retirement. Next on the agenda came the fabulous Eastfield. Not yet seen a gig when this lot do not do an outstanding set .. and this was no exception. Following on their heels were Control who I think are superb and straight after was the one and only TV Smith. This was another act that Amelia loved, so she has superb taste. We were now into the last part of the evening and were blown away by performances from both The Lurkers and Vice Squad both of who put out the most superb sets and really got everyone bouncing and singing along to the well loved tracks.

This now called for a beer, before our local boys, Skaciety took to the stage. These kids can be put anywhere and they still put out a superb set! Amelia and I have seen then before and she does like them .. a lot. After them came another new one for me, Hearts Under Fire. They were very good but I did feel they lacked a cutting edge, none of their tracks really struck me as memorable. I think I need to see them again somewhere.
Now it was the turn of two bands who are very good friends .. The Wonder Beers and the brilliant Lagan. Melinda had turned up now as she wanted to see them again too. Both bands were superb, but The Lagan were outstanding! We bounced along to all their tracks and the crowd loved it, so did Amelia and Melinda .. we can;t wait to see them again later in the year at the Lady Luck.
Dragster were up next and flew through their high-octane set and prepared the way for one of the band Amelia had been waiting to see live .. Dirt Box Disco and as usual, they didn't disappoint and did all the old favourites so Amelia was over the moon. These are definitely one of her faves now and she even popped off to buy a t-shirt!.
The final bands for the night were Goldblade with John Robb who really went to town and leapt all over the stage and barrier, closely followed by one of my favourite bands, The Restarts who were on blistering form! Amelia loved them .. Melinda hated them .. I, well I thought they were one of the best bands of the weekend!.
Wonk Unit - The Maidens Head, Canterbury 4.9.15

So, after the Davee Memorial gig earlier in the year, it was back to see what the Maidens Head could offer now it was back in the Punk scene. There were to be five bands on, all who I'd seen before but Amelia was with me again and she had only seen the headliners, so it would be good to see her reaction. The evening started well, loads of old faces turning up and much banter and I spent some time introducing Amelia to the crowd, until finally it time to start. First up were DeKadanCe which comprises of Russ and Kay with acoustic and vocals. Not to everyones taste, but I really enjoy them, I don;t think it was Amelia's cup of tea but she stayed and watched the set anyway.

last up were Wonk Unit who we had seen a few days earlier at the 3 Chords in Cornwall. Amelia was rather please as she did like them and they didn't disappoint her this time around either. The crowd were throwing themselves around to all the tracks which really made this the icing on a superb night. Really must see more of Wonk Unit they are a superb band.
So , that was that, Amelia loved it .. I loved it, all in all a cracking night out in Canterbury.
The Best of UK82 - The Flag, Watford 19.9.15

This gig was to be held at The Flag in Watford and Steve very kindly agreed to drive, so with Gerry Potten wedged into the back seat we made our way round the M25 to Watford. Luckily the Station car park was right next to the venue Steve parked very carefully, then very carefully got out of the car and very carefully walked to the ticket machine .. then tripped on a kerb and gracefully fell arse over tit onto the tarmac. Once we realised he hadn't broken anything we heading into the venue for a beer.

Following close on their heels were Anti Pasti. We saw them quite recently and really enjoyed it at the New Cross Inn and this time they were even better, belting out the tracks to a waiting crowd. They had quite a following but not quite as big as the Defects before them, still, We were treated to 'Call the Army', 'Let Then Free', 'Six Guns', 'Ain't Got Me', 'Lies Lies Lies', 'Freedom Row', 'Time to Hate', Another Dead Soldier' and 'No Government'. we are still waiting for this elusive new album that seems to be in the making, hopefully it will appear early 2016.

Finally Chron Gen took to the stage. We don't see them very often, but as with the other bands on this bill, when you do they blow you away every time. And so it was as we stood there and heard 'Jet Boy Jet Girl', 'Reality', 'Chronic Generation', 'LSD', 'Outlaw', 'Puppet of War', 'Lies', 'Clouded Eyes' and 'Breakdown' which took us back to memories of the UK82 scene. They were brilliant and really capped off a superb evening.
Well, what a night! Steve drove us back and, after Gerry off, we tucked into the obligatory Kebab and chatted about how good an evening we'd had.
TV Smith - The Flowerpot, Maidstone 26.9.15

After seeing him at the 3 Chords, it was Amelia who accompanied me down to the Flowerpot to see the legend that is TV Smith!. It was only a short hop from our home and we even managed to find parking on the road outside! Once in we bumped into TV Smith immediately and had a beer and chat, discussing among other things, next years Rebellion. TV Smith had not heard yet whether he would be playing but we did tell him that Rebellion would not be Rebellion without him .. and its 40 Years of Punk next year, so it'd be a strange omission to leave him out.

Finally it came time for TV Smith to take centre stage. As usual he works with no setlist and just reels off the tracks like 'I Delete', 'Complaints Department', 'Expensive Being Poor', 'The Lion & the Lamb', 'Tomahawk Cruise', 'No Time to be 21', 'We Who Wait', 'Gary Gilmores Eyes' and 'One Chords Wonders', the crowd were joining in with all the old Adverts hits and most of the newer stuff too, even Amelia was singing along at one point. So, another great night out watching TV Smith, he really is the nicest man in Punk. What's next? Well, GBH at the UCA in Canterbury, now that should be good.
G.B.H. - UCA Canterbury, Kent 10.10.15

Steve and I travelled over to Canterbury and easily found a spot to park, then it was time for a chat and beer with the bands before the gig kicked off. Was nice to see everyone again as most of the Kent crowd were drawn in the by the mouth watering prospect of a first time gig here by G.B.H. The night opened with The Halfwits who brought their usual take on Punk/Ska/Noise to the floor. The crowd was already starting to build but they needed a bit of warm up .. and that's just what these lads did, with their blistering pace and Tadhg striding around the floor there soon those around him getting into the evenings festivities.

Still, this left us with a band we had not seen before, Liberty. These guys were in the Anthrax anarcho-type vein and were very very good! How did I miss these until now?

Last up for the night were G.B.H The sound in the UCA was superb (even if the lighting left a lot be desired) and that made G.B.H all the more heavy and powerful. They eased into their set as the place went wild! Everyone seems to love G.B.H and they play to it with tracks 'Knife Edge', 'Lycanthropy', 'Dead on Arrival', 'Generals', 'Alcohol', 'No Survivors', 'Big Women', 'Sick Boy', 'Am I Dead Yet', 'Give Me Fire', 'Catch 22', 'City Baby Attacked by Rats' and 'Man Trap'. G.B.H were superb, crashing from one track to another with hardly time to take a breath, everyone was bouncing around the hall and more joined when old favourites were played. All in all a superb set from a truly excellent band, no wonder they are still playing after all these years.
So, that over, it was the short trip home and the obligatory Kebab while we disseminated the evenings fun.
Drongos for Europe - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 20.10.15

No Steve this time and it was a Tuesday night, so I made my way through ridiculous traffic and hold-ups to finally arrive at the Lady Luck for, hopefully, a superb evenings music. I met with Gerry and Dave and had a chat and a beer before it was time for Russ Crimewave to take the stage. Russ has really improved every time we've seen him, and now seems part of the fixtures. With his gravelly voice and angry songs he is always a great opener and on 'home' turf there are always quite a few around to see and listen to him. Again he went down a storm and really kicked the evening off well.

So another evening over, and a great one at that. Hopefully next up is a big one ... Exploited at the London Forum .. can't wait.
The Exploited - O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London 24.10.15

It looked like most of the Punk family from Kent were on their way to see this gig, Steve and I being two of them! We arrived at the Assembly Rooms and met up with everyone else for a chat and few beers before Georgina finally arrived. So with this little entourage we made out way to the O2 Forum to pick up our passes .. however when we got there neither Steve or I were on the list! So step forward Georgina, and in a couple of minutes we were both sorted and heading in to the venue. I do like this venue and used to love when it was the Town & Country years ago having seen the likes of Love & Rickets and Fields of the Nephilim among others here. We had a quick look around and a beer before things got under way.

Following on closely were Paranoid Visions who I have seen a number of times recently. Now, to begin with I was not too keen on this lot, however the last couple of times I've really been blown away by them .. this time they were bloody excellent! maybe the big stage and sound really helped? Dunno, all I know is this was the best I've seen them. 'The Angelus', 'Sex Kills', 'Anagram Sam', 'Holocaust', 'Anger Turns...', 'Something More' and 'Braindance', all done to a baying crowd who loved every minute.

last up, and we had all been waiting for this, The Exploited finally took to the stage. This was the first time we'd seen Wattie since his heart op and he had put on a slight bit of weight, but still pounded around the stage (although at a slower pace) as before. The Exploited are one of my best remembered bands and I always get a kick out of seeing them live, so when the set included 'Dogs of War', 'Army Life', 'Alternative', 'Dead Cities', 'I Believe in Anarchy', 'S.P.G', 'Beat the Bastards', 'Troops of Tomorrow', UK82', 'Punks Not Dead' , 'Holiday in the Sun' and 'Sex & Violence' I couldn't ask for more. The crowd was going wild and the security were having their work cut out dealing with the many crowd surfers coming their way.
Well, what a gig! Superb! really couldn't have asked for better, I will live on this gig for many months to come .. as I write this I am listening to a mix of Defects, Discharge and Exploited .. lovely!
The Last Resort - The Westcoast Bar, Margate, Kent 21.11.15

Steve and I left a bit early so I could catch the soundchecks, however on arriving it was blowing a gale and bloody freezing. Having parked less than 5 minutes away it took a real effort to battle the elements in order to reach the venue in one piece! Once in it was a chance to have a chat with the bands and a beer before we braved the weather again to get a spot to eat. We made it back, in one piece, with time to spare so it gave me a chance to try out the new camera before the bands started ... very nice it was too!
First up for the night was Russ Crimewave. This looks to be his last gig until well into next year due to personal reasons, quite a shame really because Russ just gets better and better and from the crowds response, they thought so too. Russ is very angry acoustic and the lyrics always seem to go down well, so he will be missed for a few months, but hopefully he'll be back stronger and better.

Following them came one of our local favourites, The Warriors. We hadn't seen the guys for a few months and was good to see them back on the stage. They are also promoting now and this gig was their first.

last up were The Last Resort. Love these guys, nice genuine guys and some really wicked tracks! The place went nuts when they started and kept going until the very end. They blasted out 'We are Invincible', 'ACAB', 'Working Class Kids', 'Never Get A Job', 'King o the Jungle', 'Violence in our Minds' and 'Maggies Boys', brilliant set from a really top class band.
Well, we had a superb time and managed to get back without being blown across to France. Next up for me is The Lagan at the Lady Luck ... but I hear tell that the Last Resort are now filling in for The Business at the Xmas gig at the 100 Club ... nice!
The Lagan - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 26.11.15

No Steve this time, however Melinda joined me as she loves The Lagan and The Wonder Beers. Amelia should have joined us too but as she's managed to land a part-time job she had to work .. and she was extremely gutted to miss out. Quite an uneventful trip, and after arriving Melinda and I had some chips to warm up as it was rather a chilly evening.
We finally made it to the Lady Luck and settled in with a beer ready for the evenings festivities and we had a chat with Dave Booker and Emma Luck before the entertainment kicked off. First up for the night were Dutch Courage, a guy with a huge beard and guitar and another guy with a bloody washboard! Really not my thing, but they seemed to keep the few people that had already arrives very happy. Melinda stayed in her seat as juts one look at the scary beard was enough to put her off.

Following them came a band I'd only seen the once at the The 3 Chords festival, The Wonder Beers. Now, they were extremely good in Cornwall so I wondered how they would go down on the tiny stage of the Lady Luck ... I needn't have worried, they were superb! Really great fun and sang songs about beer and kebabs with their tracks 'Skint Again', 'Meat & Chips', 'Walk of Shame' and their new track 'Let's get Pissed for Christmas'.

Headline band for the night were the brilliant Lagan. We've seen these guys a few times now and they are always brilliant! Tonight was no exception.
They cracked on with all their tracks 'I'll Tell me Ma', 'Sunny Day in Southie', 'Staring the Devil in the Eye', 'Star of the County Down', 'Same Shite Different Night' and again, especially for Melinda and I, 'The Fields of Athenry! By now the place was packed and everyone was bouncing along in time to the music. Great night and a truly superb band, had the whole place jumping and shouting for more at the end.
Well that was a superb night, The Lagan and The Wonder Beers were superb .. I'll take a rain check on the other two though...
Menace - The Westcoast Bar, Margate, Kent 5.12.15

Steve drove this time and after a quick bite to eat we waited outside the venue for them to open the door. Finally Saxby popped his head out and let us in, so it was down the stairs, a quick hello followed by a beer and then check out the merch stands. This looked to be a great gig with some excellent names, all it needed now were people to arrive.
Eventually Punka kicked the evening off to the few that had arrived. Not seen these guys before but they were very good. A three piece and they blasted out there tracks to those who were around. Steve and I thoroughly enjoyed them, so once the set was over we rushed off and bought a CD each.

Following on from them were a somewhat new band, Butcher Baby, although they are made up of Mark Licker (Short Bus Window Lickers), Robin Licker (Restarts, Short Bus Window Lickers), Les Doherty (ex Left for Dead) and Luke Hackett (Drummer for Blatoidea), so this was a kind of 'Supergroup' really. That said, they were good, they were very good and I'm so pleased they are confirmed for the Davee Wild Memorial next year!. They crashed their way through a rather superb set that set the few that had turned up, bouncing and crashing away at the front.

Well .. a bit fed up that most people couldn't be bothered to turn up! There was another gig on that night in Sheppey, but there were so many people from the local scene that just didn't seem to want to turn up!! Well, if numbers don't increase I would think we are in trouble as bands will not want to travel down here if that's the reception they get!
Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 8.12.15

I arrived at the Lady Luck with plenty of time and chatted with a few friends there. There was only one band on the bill that I had seen before so I was quite looking forward to the evenings entertainment and what the bands were like.
First to kick off the night was Dog Rotten. They arrived late having been stuck on the motorway, so they had their set cut short. However it was good to see Jack on drums from 16 Guns. Dog Rotten were really good, however the set was too short and towards the end they had guitar problems. Hopefully I'll get to see them again under better circumstances.

Next up were a Spanish band Pussycat Kill who are currently touring around the UK and supporting quite a few well known bands, I think Jonny Wah Wah was helping them as he was around for the whole gig and i did see that On Trail UK were with them at a couple of venues. Pussycat Kill turned out to be one of the best surprises for a long time! They were superb!! In fact so good that I rushed off at the end and bought their CD.

Last up were the superb Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band, who always put on a great show whatever! They bulldozed their way though their set, with Lee doing his masked bit, running off through the crowd wearing a ski mask and brandishing a pistol, throwing money at the crowd, snorting make-believe cocaine and generally making out they are cut above everyone else .. it's great fun. The music is superb and get the crowd the crowd bouncing away, but the stageshow is just as good and they have refined it now to real art.
All too soon the evening was over. Still another superb time had at the Lady Luck with, again excellent bands playing. Pussycat Kill were superb! Definitely want to see them again, and Ted DiBiase?? well, they are always superb .. and they now have a well deserved spot back at Rebellion next year!.
The Last Resort - The 100 Club, London 18.12.15

I arrived early and in time to to catch the soundchecks of both The Last Resort and Skurvi .. it certainly promised such a good night just based on this! I had a couple of drinks and met with Georgina, Boo, Buck (The Defects) and Sharon until Steve arrived, then it was time for the festivities to begin.
Skurvi were up first. I've seen them a few times and they get better each time. Tonight was no exception, they were excellent and certainly got the welcoming crowd warmed up!

Next to take to the stage were the brilliant Infa Riot, always up for a good show and always getting better (especially since Chris took over on bass) each time we see them. Lee is a real showman and the crowd responded to him immediately, so the pit as just a melee of bodies hurling themselves around. They did a usual set with 'Riot Riot', 'In for a Riot', The Winner', 'Kids of the 80's'.

Last up for the night were The Last Resort. This should have had The Business headlining, but Mickey Fitz is still recovering from an op for throat cancer, so The Last Resort stepped in and dedicated their set to Mickey and their fee to a Cancer charity! Great guys! The set itself was superb with 'We are Invincible', 'ACAB', 'Working Class Kids', 'Rebels With a Cause", 'Never Get A Job', 'King of the Jungle', 'Violence in our Minds' and 'Maggies Boys'. The pit was manic by this point and one poor punter managed to get knocked out! The band stopped playing and waiting until everyone was sure the guy was fine, then they continued.
Well that was a Christmas gig to be reckoned with, again, all bands were superb but, for me, The Last Resort really excelled. Last gig of the year tomorrow night down in Tunbridge Wells ... the triumphant return of the Anti-Nowhere League.
The Anti-Nowhere League - The Forum, Tunbridge Wells 19.12.15

Now this had all the makings of a superb gig. Last year we saw the League in the same place, same time, except I was not driving and had no camera .. so i was rather wrecked and got a few choice bruises in the pit. This year camera in hand and at the wheel of the car, Steve and I made our way over to the venue.
First up were the same support as last year Night Without Sleep, these are two guys with acoustic guitar and vocals ... about all I can say really as they were definitely not our cup of tea at all and it was a bit of a relief once they were done. They were followed by a cross-dressing comedian who did try his hardest and had a couple of amusing jokes, the rest were straight off the internet and barely raised a giggle.

So that was it .. last gig of the year and what a superb way to end it!. I have always loved the League, but this night they were something very special. They will be at the 100 Club and Rebellion next year, so I cant wait!