Never Trust a Hippy
The Members - The 100 Club, London 5.1.16

I arrived quite early and had a wander round town for a while before arriving at the venue for opening time. I met up with Dave Booker and a couple of his mates for a chat, before it was time start the proceedings.

Next up was the brilliant TV Smith. This guy is always superb .. and all songs are done with such passion. This time he had a drummer with him, Vom Richie (from bands such as Die Toten Hosen and The Boys), this added another dimension to TV Smith's acoustic set and gave more guts to the sound. So we had 'I Delete', 'One Chord Wonders', 'Immortal Rich', 'Deactivate Autoslave', 'True Believers', 'No Time to be 21' and then as a finale 'Gary Gilmore's Eyes' with the added guitars of Segs & Leigh from The Ruts, brilliant end to the set.

All in all, quite a superb evening's entertainment .. now I've just got to do it all again tomorrow night with the League.
Anti-Nowhere League - The 100 Club, London 6.1.16

Was rather on my own for this one, but that was no problem. This was looking to b a good gig as love the League anyway. The evening kicked off with Slagerij, a band of which I heard, but had not heard anything by them. They were good, very good ... full of energy, they bounced around the stage and really got the growing crowd excited. Chatting to the band afterwards it transpires they are from Swindon way and know the Charred Hearts (who are friends) very well .. nice to see West Country bands getting a look in

Last up were probably one of my favourite bands, The Anti-Nowhere League. I love this band! Jut about every track they do is superb, and even better live!

Well, that's the second of my 5 visits to the 100 Club done .. only another three to go .. such a hard life!
Chelsea - The 100 Club, London 8.1.16

Steve accompanied me to this one, however I arrived a bit early to do some shots of Knock Off, which was a bit of fun, then watched the soundchecks until Gene October kicked off, having a pop at the sound guy for getting it wrong, his own band for playing to loudly and Andy and myself for leaving the door propped open! Miserable git that he is!

Next up was to have been 999 but due to Arturo recovering from an op, we had Nick Cash doing the 999 set with just a guitar. Now, I do love 999 and I love most of their tracks, so while it was so good to hear them again, it did seem to lose a bit without the rest of the band.

Headlining for the night were Chelsea. All problems with Gene's temper were forgotten as they threw themselves into their set thrashing through 'No Escape', 'War Across the Nation', 'I'm on Fire', 'Evacuate', 'Urban Kids', 'The Loner', 'No Flowers' and 'Right to Work'. They were faultless and truly a superb band. The crowd had grown by now and they reacted in style to the tracks being played. A brilliant evening of music with three superb bands, we made our way home very happy!
UK Subs - The 100 Club, London 9.1.16

As usual I was at the venue early, this time Menace had asked for a few photos to be taken beforehand. Once those were done plus soundchecks out of the way, there was enough time for a quick beer before the evenings entertainment kicked off. First up were a band I hadn't seen before, Criminal Mind. These guys were brilliant! an absolutely blinding set and so full of energy, with tracks 'Stitched Up, 'Over Opinionated', 'No Social Culture', 'Who's Got Your Back', 'Blood on the Cobbles', 'In This World', 'Rebel Sounds' and 'Life to Defend'. Once they were done I had to rush over and purchase their two CD's!

Discharge - The 100 Club, London 12.1.16

I arrived early again ready to do some shots of Discharge and the usual soundchecks. All went smoothly except that Discharge were a tad late arriving, which was fine as it gave me the chance to chat with the other bands and make some new friends and contacts.
Once all was sorted the first band, Mick O'Toole, kicked the evening into life. never seen or heard of these guys before, but they sounded very similar to the The Lagan. They were very good indeed and a real pleasure to listen to. There were not many in the club at this point however those that had arrived early were toe tapping along to most of the set. Seemed a strange choice though to be on the bill with the likes of Discharge and Anti-Pasti!

Davee Wild Memorial - The Maidens Head, Canterbury 6.2.16

We arrived quite early in order to prepare for the days festivities and we were both surprised to see so many people turning up early, still it gave us a chance to have a chat with a few people and get a couple of beers under our belts before the bands started up.
So we have a full compliment of bands before us and we were treated to Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band to get things started. Now they were told not to check powder to light cigars .. so what did they do .. they stuck a smoke bomb in an old keyboard and mid-way though the set .. lit it!! That was as far as seeing anything for the next 15 minutes, as pub filled with smoke!! Still they did a superb set. Following close on their heels were The Spoilers, seen them a couple of times and wasn't impressed .. but this time I thought they were excellent. Next up, a brilliant young band from Kingston, The Wonder Beers. again, I've seen them a few times and they just get better each time, they seemed to go down a treat here too!.

Now were into the bigger names so we were treated to local boys Anthrax followed by Left for Dead, both of who were bloody superb, especially Left for Dead, they have to be one of the best bands out there now. We were finally into the home straight .. and were treated to The Restarts who were, as usual, bloody superb!! They blew the pace away and especially with their new drummer who looked the part! Last up were Culture Shock, this Dik from Subhumans, other band (along with Citizen Fish. Unfortunately not to my taste, they were ok, but for me it's only the Subhumans, his others bands leave me cold.
So that was that! What a superb day was had, everyone enjoyed themselves, £1000 was was raised for CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) and all done in Davee's name. Can't wait for next year now!
Demented Are Go - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 7.2.16

The evening started of well with an easy drive to Canterbury for Steve and what seemed like great line-up for the evening .... but it was to all go badly wrong.
To kick the evening of were a young Psychobilly band from up North called Dead by Dawn. They were ok but spent a lot of the set plagued with problems with the double bass and amps. However they completed their set and got a round of applause. They were followed by Headstone Horrors. We had seen these guys before and their previous incarnation Girlfixer and really love them. They are now a fully-fledged Horror-Punk outfit and play some superb tracks. The crowd loved them and was starting to fill now. For the night they had a stand-in drummer, Luke from B-Movie Britz / Trioxin Cherry, so was good to see him again.

Now we reached the headline act, Demented Are Go .. now, I have seen this band once before at Rebellion and they were not only a good sound, but also a great stage act. So with that in mind we were ready for a great night .. to begin with the lead singer seemed out of sorts, and kept crashing his way into the kitchen backstage every few minutes managing to kick a few cables from amps in the process. Finally he re-appeared with a jar of picked onions which he offered to the crowd .. next thing I knew he had thrown the entire contents over myself and camera gear!!! Now this sent me into panic mode to get the bloody stuff cleaned off,

East End Badoes - T-Chances, London 13.2.16

Steve couldn't make this one, however Daz (The Commited) was on-hand to provide a lift. So with Gerry and Melv in the car too we set off for North London. The trip went well until Daz managed to ignore his sat-nav about 5 mins from the venue and took us off down some one-way system that was clogged with Buses and cars .. Daz's excuse was that the Sat-Nav had a woman's voice .. so he couldn't help but ignore it ..
We finally made it to the venue and still had loads of time to spare so we had a few beers and chat before the evenings festivities kicked off. First up were Tear Up. They were Ok, an Oi band with a nice raw edge to them. I recognised the lead singer as the guy that was up on stage with he East End Badoes at their 100 Club gig, apparently after that they formed a band! Good move.

Following on from them were another (well-known) local band, The Commited. These guys never fail to impress, right from the off they were on fire! Even though beforehand Tone and Noz seemed a little worse for the drink! Made no difference, they played a superb set, with the crowd really get involved to tracks like 'Fuck Conscription', 'Bruised but not Broken', 'Lazy Hacks', 'Free Speech', 'Wake Up! Get Up! Play Up!', 'Mental', 'Big Pharma', 'Whose War?', 'Mental' and 'last night Out'. Brilliant set, brilliant band! They went down so well.

Although having been to T-Chances before this was the first time id been to this stage, and was quite a good one for small bands, hopefully I'll get to come back soon.
Witchdoktors - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 18.2.16

I wasn't really sure about the bands on here, but having an evening free, and Emma having said how good they would be, I thought I'd give it a go. I arrived quite early and was surprised to see a member of Terminal Heads was playing in Zombie Met Girl .. so that was definitely a bonus! Zombie Met Girl were up first and the place already had quite a few ready to watch them. I had seen this band in 2007 with Steve as they supported The Anti-Nowhere League at the Forum in Tunbridge Wells .. could not remember what they were like though.

After a short break came The Droppers Neck. Emma loves this band and there she was right at the front during their set. I expected great things from them, and although I did enjoy their sound, for me, Zombie Met Girl were the better act, probably because they were so much heavier. Still these guys managed to raise the roof and pulled in quite a crowd. The lead singer did tend to wander a bit and at the end was seen at the top of the stairs singing away to his hearts content.

So, for a 'spur-of-the-moment' gig, it was really quite an excellent night out. The travel there and back was easy and I even treated myself to a Kebab which I devoured back at home. Next gig is a couple of weeks away yet, it's 999 at the Westcoast in Margate ... see ya there.
999 - The Westcoast Bar, Margate 5.3.16

We got there a bit early as I had to do photoshoots for both Surgery Without Research and The Commited. These are always a bit of fun because none of the guys take it very seriously, so after shots of sitting on stools and various poses around the walls it was done and Steve and I popped off for a bite to eat before it all kicked off. Once back we noticed that a few more people had arrived, which looked good as the last gig here only just made double figures!!

Second up were one of the best bands around at the moment, Surgery Without Research. A bit of a line-up change now, with Spence out ill, Russ is in on bass and they have a new member Mark Spooner which left Andy free to do just vocals, so it was going to be interesting to see how the format worked. They all came out with masks on (like a mini-slipknot) and just crashed straight into their set, they were really superb!! blasting out tracks 'Police are Liars' ,'Somethings Can't Explain', 'Sheep', 'Cuts', 'Fight Back', Die Tonight', 'Like Winter', 'Deform not Conform', 'Woman Beater' and 'We are the Punks'. Andy stalked around the stage and pit belting out his vocals while the other provided a wall of noise behind him. I was hooked .. best I've ever seen Surgery and I hope they keep it up, it will be great to see Spence back in this line-up too.

To finish off a cracking night, 999 then took to the stage. They were superb! Always loved this band and they took us right back with 'me & My Desire', 'Emergency', Feelin' Alright with the Crew', 'Homicide', 'I'm Alive', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'Quite Disappointing'. They thrashed their way through the set and the crowd responded as the place had filled very nicely by now.
A great evening, lots of people to meet and chat with, and four superb bands .. we went home happy that night .. via the Kebab shop.
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man - The Castle, Sheerness 12.3.16

As it was Steve's turn to drive we made it not too early and gave us a bit of a chance of a chin-wag before the bands started. Digger was setting up for the bands and was having a nightmare as the sound guy had forgotten he was due there and so all communication had to be done over the phone ... when he actually answered it!
kicking off the evening was Russ Crimewave who, as usual, did a blinding set set and brought everyone in from outside to watch. His angry vocals set the tone for the night and everyone there gave him a resounding round of applause at the end of his set. Russ gets better and better each time we see him, and although he's had a bit of a break, he's now back and as angry as ever.

Following on from them we had the brilliant Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band. These guys always put on a splendid show and didn't disappoint this time .. we had cigars lit, money and white powder thrown around, all superb stuff. Last time we saw them, they had added a smoke bomb into an old keyboard and managed to clear the Maidens Head!! This time Lee's new smoke bomb was crap! We had a little trickle of smoke and that was it ... no sparks, no flumes of smoke .. very poor! That said the set was superb! The crowd loved it with people piling down the front, great time.

Another superb night, local boys went down very well but Revenge of the Psychotronic Man were excellent! A few weeks break now and then it's the Rejects at the 100 Club.
Skaciety - Guildford City Social Club, Guildford 19.3.16

A very last minute gig, the guys picked me up from a lay-by and I piled into their minibus. Now, the minibus is rather old and now have 7 guys with all the equipment stored on board ... it was already hardly the fastest vehicle on the road but when we hit any slight inclines on the motorway it was 35mph .. max! So after about 1.5 hours and a quick stop, we finally creaked up in front of the Social Club in Guildford. We unpacked the gear and the guys then set everything up and did a very quick soundcheck .. then we were ready fro what the evening had in store.

Next up were a band I love, Rage DC. I've seen these guys a few times now and they are always superb. I spent some time before chatting and catching up with Loric and Graham, so good to meet them again, great guys. They had a lot of support from the crowd and also the T & the Mugs guys too. They pounded out their set and the crowd really started to come alive now, the further Rage DC got into their set the more people seemed to appear at the front.

It was a long and uneventful trip home with most of the guys sleeping, but you know what .. I'd do it all over again if asked!
Cockney Rejects - The 100 Club, London 8.4.16

I arrived in time for the soundchecks and started taking a few more shots before Steve arrived. We watched a couple of bands do their bit, then popped out for a bite to eat before the festivities began.
First band on stage were one we'd never seen before called Jack the Lad. They were very good and in the same vein as the Badoes. It was a bit slow to start but pretty soon people were getting into the tracks and started to bounce around. The band had brought a few of their own followers as well. Jack the Lad did mainly covers of old Punk and Oi tracks like 'Harry May' by the Business and 'One Lew for Them' by the 4 Skins, but that said they made a really good job of all the cover tracks and in between they threw in a couple of their own.

Now it was time for the East End Badoes to take to the stage. Every time I see these guys they just get better and better, on this night they were superb! They got the crowd on their side immediately as they blasted out their tracks. Great band and great guys and a lot fun!

What an excellent evening, all ready and prepared now for the trip to Berlin for Punk & Disorderly.
Punk & Disorderly - Astra, Berlin 14-17.4.16

I picked up Steve nice and early and it was an easy drive around to Gatwick where we met up with the others over a beer in the Wetherspoons. There were a few of us travelling together and it already had the makings of an excellent trip. The flight was quick and all we had to contend with was a rather large bloke in set between me and Steve who had a very bad continental dress sense. Once landed we waiting for Sam to fly in from Ireland then it was off in Taxi's to the hotel.
The Hotel itself was an old hospital in the East German area of Berlin, however it was really comfortable, so we had time to pop down and have a bite to eat before we headed off for the pre-Punk & Disorderly evening. The venue was a place called Bi Nuu and we were treated to Steve Soto & Kevin Seconds doing an unplugged session, then it was The Varukers and finally a superb German band Ska/Oi/Punk band called Oxo 86. With the bands over Steve and I headed off to the kebab shop and here we came across probably the single most amazing thing of our trip ... Kebab & a Beer! How civilised! .. so 3am and we are sitting in a kebab shop eating and drinking beer ...

Day 2 started rather late considering a 4am to bed after Beer and Kebab. We went into town and visited a few bars and popped into Core Tex Records to see what was on offer. then it was a couple more bars before food and back to the venue. Tonights bands included Urgent Fury, Moped Lads, Razors, Lions Law, The Members Discipline, and of course headlined by Cock Sparrer. Cock Sparrer were superb but for me Discipline were the band of the day.

We were up and packed quite early and were able to leave our bags in the hotel while we had a last foray to see one of the last remaining bits of the Berlin Wall, then it was a spot of brunch before the taxi to the airport and our flight home. It was sad to leave Berlin as I'd quite fallen in love with it, surprising as I'd never expected to be amazed by it at all. Next year? We'll see ....
XSLF - The Westcoast Bar, Margate 23.4.16

I drove down on my own for this one and arrived in plenty of time. I had a chance to catch up with friends and do a few shots for Left for Dead before the festivities were to begin.
The evening kicked off with local boys Terminal Heads. I have seen this band a few times now and each time they just get better and better. They also seem to be getting more gigs around the South East now. They set the bar high with their set. Not many in attendance at this point, however those that were there bounced around to the tracks and seemed to enjoy themselves.

Hot on their heels came one of the evenings real highlights, The Warriors. I've seen these guys so many times now and although the line-up has changed slightly over the years the quality has always been there. Tonight they blew the roof off, they were superb and covered tracks 'S.N.A.F.U', 'Bankrupt Britain', 'The Future is Written', 'Buddah of the Backstreets', 'Marlon Brando', 'Never Forgive', 'Bad Guys', 'Dead to Me', 'Keep It Real', 'Shit Town' and 'Operation Oi'.

Well, what a brilliant evening, and to think I wasn't sure whether to go or not .. so glad I did!!
Sophie Lancaster Benefit - The Castle, Sheerness 21.5.16

As it was FA Cup day and I wanted to see if Palace could lift the cup so I was quite late and missed quite a few bands, but I still managed to arrive in time for the last 5. It was a miserable drizzly evening and went with the miserable footy scoreline, so I really wanted something to lift my spirits .. luckily when i arrived The Commited were in full swing and I managed to catch a good portion of their set. These guys are always a bit of fun and tonight was no exception as Daz bounced around the room getting people fired up. Great set with 'Free Speech', 'British Crime', 'Cloggie's Lament', 'Fast Lane', 'Advertising', 'Factory', 'Terrorists', 'Be Afraid' and 'Big Pharma'.

We were treated to 'Sheep', 'Cuts', 'Fight Back', 'Police are Liars', 'Crushed & Buried', 'Like Winter', 'Power Unpower', 'We Pay the Price', 'Woman Beater' and 'We are the Punks' ... superb set, really enjoyed it, and so did the rest of the crowd.

Last up for the night were Drop This. These guys are a lot of fun but annoyingly most people had left by this point in the evening so there were only few around to witness their set. Those that were there did bounce around a lot, i think to make up for the empty floor! Drop This were very good and having seen them a few times I really do like them, full of energy and the occasional jump (which is always good to catch a shot of) they certainly made themselves known.
So, with the line-up I saw it did lift my spirits somewhat and was a superb evening out. Next up is Peter & the Test Tube Babies at the Lady Luck, now that WILL be good!
Peter & the Test Tube Babies - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 26.5.16

This was a ticket only event and was apparently sold out, so we were looking forward to a good crowd. We arrived a little early after a bite to eat and had a chat with Sam before having a quick beer and getting ready for the evenings entertainment
First up were a German band we'd never seen before, an all-girl three piece called Nobelschrott. They started badly as the singer had real problems with her guitar and during the silence the laughs and remarks started from the crowd. It didn't;t look god for them, but finally they were sorted and managed to redeem themselves with not half bad set. Most of the songs were in German which was quite good and they didn't really stop to catch their breath but hurtled from one song to another. They were ok, but they do need to drop the pirate look as it doesn't really work.

It was quite packed now and the crowd were bouncing around and loving every minute of it, a great time was had by all and by the end there was time to say our farewells to Sam then it the drive back and well earned Kebab ...
Adam Ant - O2 Brixton Academy, London 10.6.16

I had heard good things about Adam Ant's last tour and even a few were raving about this one, the Kings of the Wild Frontier tour, so I was quite looking forward to it. I was on my own this time and arrived to see a queue of faces with white stripes painted across them, I was already starting to reminisce. As this was my first time out doing shots specifically for Vive Le Rock magazine, I readily grabbed my photo pass and made my way for a quick pint at the bar.

Well, what a gig, so totally amazed. I thought he would be good, but really, not THAT good. Hopefully next time he tours I'll get to photo him again, for now I'll just live with he memory.
Angelic Upstarts - The 100 Club, London 17.6.16

To begin with I wasn't really sure about this gig, having been to Adam Ant last week and next week The Pork Dukes in Canterbury, but n the end the lure of two superb bands was too much so off I set. I managed to get there early for the soundchecks and was also able to do a few photoshoot shots for Knock Off to use.

First up were Knock Off. We've seen Knock Off a few times now and they are always superb. Tonight was no exception, with Andy belting out the tracks it was always bound to be a winner. We had the likes of 'The Hunted', 'Bullet in the Head', 'Dirty Little Secret', 'Yesterday's News', 'Underclass', 'Ain't No Fool', 'Fingers to the Bone', 'Little Boy Soldier', 'Jack the Ripper', 'Forever Angry', 'Tooled Up for the Job' and the new single 'Football, Beer and Punk Rock', it was a brilliant set and really got the place jumping, they really know how to put on a good show.

Quite a night really, so Steve and I made our way back home, and as it was still early we popped in for a Kebab before heading home. Next gig .. The Pork Dukes at the Lady Luck with two superb local support bands.
The Pork Dukes - The Lady Luck, Canterbury 23.6.16

Steve was away having a sunny, warm holiday in foreign climes so I headed over to Canterbury on my own. It was a pleasant drive over but once I parked up at the station the heavens opened and i got soaked getting a parking ticket and hurrying down to the lady Luck .. once at the door it bloody stopped! Typical!. Anyway we had two of my favourite local bands on, so there were a good few friends there to chat with and have a quick beer before proceedings got under way. Unfortunately the Tickturds couldn't make it out of Essex due to the flooding, so the remaining bands would get a little longer on stage.

Following on quickly from Surgery were another of my favourite local bands, The Commited. Daz always puts on a good show and the band really throw themselves into all their tracks, I've never seen a lacklustre performance from these guys. We were treated to 'Depression', 'Free Speech', 'Outta Ya Head', 'Wake Up', 'Mental', 'Hate', 'Big Pharma', 'Terrorists' and 'Bruised not Broken'. The guys really went for it and got the place jumping, even though it was still half empty. Daz is a real showman and jumps around while putting so much expression into his music. Love this band ... you just can't help it!

So another cracking evening at the Lady Luck, hopefully I'll be back soon for more!
Seaside Rebels - The Fiddlers Elbow, Camden, London 9.7.16

Steve and I travelled up together and arrived a bit early at the Fiddlers Elbow, luckily meeting up with Mark Freeman at the door! So we popped in early to have a chat and sink a few beers. This gig had also advertised Subculture and The Angry Agenda too but both of these had pulled out, and after looking looking at the line-up it looked like we would only get 30 mins of the Warriors before we'd have to leave!.

Following close on their heels were Tear Up who I'd seen before at T-Chances and whilst enjoying them they seemed not to be able to get it together enough to impress me. Now they had a new drummer guitarist .. and that made a difference, they were so much better .. really enjoyed them this time, and now they have a Rebellion slot too. They will go far on the Oi scene and can only get better an better as the new members bed in.
Next up were Anti Social. Now they seemed to have changed their line-up almost completely since I last saw them at Rebellion. I think only one member was left from that line-up. They were still very very good, but unfortunately not as good as before. Again, I think once the new line-up have a few gigs under their belt they will be superb!

Seaside Rebels were on next and running very late now. We had not seen them before and it was a little spoilt by knowing we would miss The Warriors. That said they were superb! The crowd loved them too and responded by singing along to most tracks. I'm hoping to catch these guys again at Rebellion when I can see them properly and enjoy the whole set. That said, I still really enjoyed them here and if someone had been manning the merch I would definitely have bought some vinyl .. I will make up for it at Rebellion.
So that was it, missed The Warriors completely as the whole thing had overrun and we needed to catch our train home. Never mind, I'll be seeing them again next weekend in Deal!
Sham 69 - The Hole in the Roof, Deal, Kent 17.7.16

I was without Steve again, so it was a solo hours drive to Deal ready for this gig. The journey was fine and I arrived in time to sit and a beer with the bands before the evening got under way. First were the soundchecks so we had Sham first then part of the Halfwits as band members still had to arrive. Once all were done, it was a chance for another chat before things kicked off.

After a brief break we were treated to The Warriors hitting the stage. Having missed out on seeing them a week ago, it was great to finally get that chance again. As usual the Warriors were superb, the crowd was now swelling and responded to each track in turn. They covered tracks 'Warriors Come Out to Play', 'S.N.A.F.U.', 'Keep it Real', 'Shit Town', 'Bowler Hats & Baseball Bats', 'Bad Guys', 'Dead to Me', 'Marlon Brando', 'We're Not Like You' and 'Operation Oi', until finally they had to say goodnight. A brilliant set, from a brilliant band, couldn't ask for better really.

I would really enjoy seeing these guys again as they were so good to chat to and brilliant once up on stage, so I'll have to keep and eye out. Next up is The Wall at the 100 Club!
The Wall - The 100 Club, London 21.7.16

It was another early arrival at the 100 Club to catch the bands for a chat and some shots plus the soundchecks. Steve was not going to arrive till later as he was out on the piss! After a good chat with all the bands and the soundchecks out of the way it was time to sit back with a beer and wait for the first act to take to the stage.

Just before the second band, Steve finally arrived .. a little worse for wear! Next up were the Morgellons. I have seen this band a couple of times and always really enjoyed them and this time was no exception. They are very much like Joy Division in their style and sound and the lead singer does remind you of Ian Curtis in his movements and stage presence. They went down extremely well and had some of their own following in the venue so that boosted the reception they got. I really liked them and and set the evening up for the headline band very nicely.

What a gig! Superb night and now it's time for a short rest before .............. REBELLION 2016!.
Rebellion Festival - Winter Gardens, Blackpool 4-7.8.16

As is normal for us, we traveled up the day before which gave us time for a last 'good' meal then it was off to the Rose and Crown for a few beers. We met up with so many friends and had a real blast .. a liquid blast!

Thursday, on paper, looked like the busiest day for me with the likes of The Poly-esters, Knock Off, Pussycat Kill, The Halfwits, Evil Blizzard, CJ Ramone, Flag, East End Badoes and a second year for local boys Ted DiBiase & the Million Dollar Punk Band. Best band for the day? had to be System of Hate.

We had reached the mid-way mark of Rebellion ... there were still so many bands to see!
DAY THREE: We were ready and raring to go ... after breakfast and a couple of beers in the sun! Another day, another excellent line-up. One Way System, Major Accident, Cock Sparrer, Jilted John and Chron Gen, The Wall, Il Complesso, In Evil Hour, Chelsea and Special Duties What a day! So many bands I loved, but the highlights for me were Il Complesso (who, during a chat, told me they are from Piedmont and visit Alassio!), Jilted John and The Wall.

So, that was the end of the best Rebellion I have been to! So many friends and bands and a highlight for me was for the Defects to get me up on the Empress stage to shoot the crowd and then photo Buck in front of them all! Great fun!.
Next up is the New Rose festival (was 3 Chords Festival) in Cornwall with help from my daughter Amelia. This will coincide with a celebration for my 30th Wedding Anniversary!.
New Rose Festival - Penzance, Cornwall 27-28.8.16

So rebadged as the New Rose festival this fell at just the right time as we were in Cornwall anyway celebrating our 30th Anniversary, so it would be rude not to turn up. Amelia joined me again for what looked to be 2 days of Sun, Beer and Punk bands.

A great first day and many very good bands. It was good to see so many familiar faces in the crowd and we had great day enjoying a beer with a few of them!

Brilliant festival and we all really enjoyed ourselves. Better than the 3 Chords??? I think not, it lacked Pete's front of house personality and more well known bands. Still let's see if it re-appears again next year.
EK Decay - The New Cross Inn, London 10.9.16

First up were a band I'd never even heard of before, Transmission Control Division, they were, as the name implies, a Joy Division covers band. I'm not one for covers bands and probably even less a Joy Division one, but these guys were actually very good and deserved a good listen to, even though there were very few people in the venue by then.

Penultimate band were the ever good Healthy Junkies. Nina and Phil were the only two I recognized in the band as others seem to have come and gone. This made no difference to their sound, they were still top notch. By now we had a few more bodies in the venue which did help the performance.
Final band for the night, and the one I had been waiting for, EK Decay. When they arrived I was given such a warm greeting from this lot, a real superb bunch. Now they took to the stage and under Midi's command they launched into their set. They were every bit as good as I had expected and the crowd that had gatehred seemed to enjoy it too. A brilliant band and certainly a gig I really enjoyed, can't wait till they appear again in London.
Nina Hagen - O2 Shepherds Bush, London 24.9.16

In front of a packed arena, the ‘Godmother of Punk’ proceeded to dazzle the expectant crowd with a weird and wonderful musical repertoire. Throwing a mixture of Punk, Rock n Roll and Reggae styles together, her rich gravelly voice reminiscent of the late great Vi Subversa from the Poison Girls, wowed the enthusiastic crowd. Between playing an acoustic guitar seated on a stool to dancing around the stage, she managed to regale the crowd with stories and anecdotes while sticking partially to her set list. We were treated to quite an extensive set including ‘Leave Me Alone’, ‘Atomic Flash’ and ‘Smack Jack’ in addition to a number of covers such as ‘Spirit in the Sky’ , ‘Summertime’ and ‘Peace, Pollution, Revolution’. As well as this she did a rendition of ‘The Lords Prayer’ and a medley that included ‘The Saints Go Marching In’ and ‘Rivers of Babylon’; markedly there was also a moving tribute to those killed in the Paris attacks, ‘We Shall Overcome’.

Nina has not lost any of her drive and diversity over the years; nor the support of the diverse crowd that cheered and clapped her every track, proving that she still appeals to the young and old(er) from just about any background imaginable.
Yes, she was off-the-wall, yes, she was quirky, but for two hours on a warm London evening she was ultimately superb.
The Shammed - The Elephant & Castle, Ramsgate 1.10.16

Steve and I arrived in plenty of time after a jaunt down to sunny Ramsgate. This looked to be quite a superb line-up with one of our fave bands slotted in there.

Second up for the night were an old favourite of ours Surgery Without Research. Now the band are a 5 piece, with Russ back and the addition of Dave Booker, this means that Andy is now free of his guitar and can roam the stage to his hearts content while blasting out his version of angry anarcho-punk. And it is so good. The room was buzzing now and the band went through their paces with tracks 'Jackbooting in the USA', 'Sheep', 'Fight Back', 'We Pay the Price', 'Woman Beater', 'Deform not Conform', 'Like Winter', 'Cuts' and, the now obligatory 'We are the Punks'. It was a superb set as the guys pounded away and certainly got the crowd bouncing.

It was a great evening and good to catch up with friends again. It looks like the Elephant and Castle may become a regular haunt as there are a few gig planned for next year!
Next up, we're off to Islington to see the Dead Kennedys, can't wait.
Dead Kennedys - O2 Islington, London 14.10.16

Support was provided by The Idles, who opened the evening with a lively performance and paved the way for the Dead Kennedys to take the stage in front of an expectant audience. Many would have been prepared for a rather muted performance without Jello at the helm, but in reality that couldn’t have been further from the truth as Ron ‘Skip’ Greer was the ideal energetic replacement, and the long standing partnership of Klaus Flouride, East Bay Ray and D.H. Peligro completed the line-up.

The singles were now coming thick and fast with ‘Too Drunk to Fuck’, ‘Kill the Poor’ and finally ‘California Uber Alles’ ending the set, sending the crowd into a frenzy and Ron Greer jumping into the pit, inviting those at the front to join in on the chorus.
There was a short wait until the Dead Kennedys returned for their encore, with East Bay Ray kneeling at the front of the stage playing the intro to ‘Bleed for Me’ and Ron Greer leaning into the audience taunting the crowd with the lyrics. On a roll now, they followed this with ‘Viva Las Vegas’ and then the highlight, ‘Holiday in Cambodia’. At this point the crowd were one seething mass, hands in the air, bouncing around in time with the music and joining in on every word, echoes of ‘Pol Pot!’ reverberated around the venue for what seemed an age.
Just before the second encore, most of the band jumped into the pit to shake hands with the crowd which was a nice touch, they then returned to the stage for the finale of ‘Chemical Warfare’, into which they had added lines from ‘Sweet Home Alabama’.
Menace - The 100 Club, London 21.10.16

This was a real first, Melinda joined me for a Punk gig! She had already met the 16 Guns guys and girls while we were in Spain and was looking forward to catch back up with them. We arrived early (unfortunately no Steve this time as he would be here the following night) for the soundchecks and quickly got chatting with Menace and 16 Guns which passed the time until the bands were due on stage.
First up were Viva Las Vegas, who I had never seen before. As the name suggests they were an Elvis Presley tribute band, but I have to admit, very good! Noel and Rob from Menace also joined in to help and the crowd that had arrived really seemed to enjoy them!.

Next up came The Straps. This is a band that has really grown on me the last few times I've seen them, not only as they seem to have a more rounded professional style, but also as they are such a great group of guys to chat to! They had a good crowd awaiting them and they really didn't disappoint as they threw themselves into their set.

Finally the headline act took to the stage, Menace. A really great '77 band in every way, superb songs, great guys and as usual the place went wild. I had the pleasure of chatting with Finn and Noel and introducing Melinda to them, they couldn't have been nicer and spent time chatting with us before the soundchecks. Menace just blasted into their set at their usual pace, opening with 'One Two One Two' and 'Insane Society' just to get the blood flowing. This was followed by 'Vote Punk Rock', 'Party Animal', 'Carry No banners', 'Too Many Punks', 'C&A', 'So Fuck You', 'GLC', 'last Years Youth', 'Screwed Up', 'I'm Civilised' and 'Live for Today', a truly brilliant set with so many singles and regular well known tracks thrown into the mix.
Well that was the first of 2 days at the 100 Club completed, tomorrow I'm back with Steve and my daughter to watch DirtBox Disco.
Dirtbox Disco - The 100 Club, London 22.10.16

This Steve was back in the fold, but Amelia & Alex tagged along as Amelia loves Dirt Box Disco! We arrived and the usual crowd were there all ready for a superb evening of entertainment.
The evening kicked off withe the Healthy Junkies, always a great band they threw themselves right into their set. The crowd was already there for them and everyone jumped around and joined in. One downside was the asshole photographer who follows them around, he caused trouble at the New Cross in with claiming someone 'bumped' into him and he did the same to me here! He obviously doesn't yet realise that if you are at the front people jump around and push and shove .. idiot!

Next up for the evening were The Morgellons. I've seen these guys a few times now and although they not always my cup of tea, they are very professional.

Now the evening really kicked into gear with the appearance of Dirt Box Disco. There was quite a crowd now and Weab & Co did nothing to calm the atmosphere! This was the first time I'd seen them in London and it was the first time they had played the 100 Club, but they were superb!. We were treated to 'My Life is Shit', 'Burning', 'My Girlfriends Best Friends Sister', 'Let's Get Wasted', 'Tragic Roundabout', 'What U Gonna Do About It' and 'Standing in a Queue' .. quite brilliant, full of energy and a real laugh, this is what it's all about. Amelia and Alex loved it too, I could see them at the side of the stage bouncing around.
Superb night and four superb bands, you couldn't ask for better.
The Anti-Nowhere League - The Forum, Tunbridge Wells 17.12.16

Steve drove us and we arrived, as usual, with lots of time to spare, so it into a the pub for a swift half before the doors opened. Once in we met up with Gerry Potten who also seems to attend the Xmas bash each year! A couple of beers later and Night Without Sleep hit the stage. They seem to support the League when play back in Tunbridge Wells, although they are not very good .. or very popular!
Second band for the night were Zombie Met Girl. When we saw the League here for the fist time at an Xmas gig in 2007, these guys were supporting, since then I've seen them play at the Lady Luck and really liked them there too, so this time I was well up for seeing them again .. and they didn't disappoint! Very energetic and hard heavy tracks, loved them! The crowd had also swelled by this point so they had a great response from the floor too.

What an evening! Each year we turn up and get blown away by this band, probably one of my all-time favourite bands, every track they do is a winner for me and certainly for just about everyone who attended too!
Adam Ant - The Roundhouse, London 18.12.16

I got to the Roundhouse early and was greeted by a huge line of fans all dolled up and ready to see their idol! This was an extra gig put on for the finale to his 'Kings of the Wild Frontier' tour. I managed to get a photo pass based on the fact that I'd photographed him earlier in the year at Brixton O2 and he had used my photo as the advert for this gig.
This time I knew what to expect and was rather looking forward to it again. I met John Marshall, who was queueing inside, and had a chat with him for a while until the doors finally opened and started letting people in.

The Damned - The Winter Gardens, Margate, Kent 19.12.16

This gig had been postponed from the week before as Dave Vanian had apparently been very ill. SO here we were on a school night in Margate at the Winter Gardens. I had a wander round and chatted to a few of the locals that had turned out. It seemed an OK venue and I was looking forward to seeing the Damned on 'home turf'!.
First band up were called Emptifish. They would have gone down well at a MOR gig .. but here? with a venue full of punks .. no way. They were completely wrong and not really to anyones taste, so it was to a cheer of relief that they finally left the stage.

At the end I bought the obligatory live album of the gig and we were also treated to sticks of Damned Margate rock.
Cockney Rejects - The 100 Club, London 21.12.16

Arrived minus Steve this time, however I met up Dave Nash and John Marshall for a chat before things got under way. First up for the night were Desperate Measures. A Kiwi band and the vocalist is Eugene, the editor of Vive Le Rock. Never seen these guys before and was pleasantly surprised, as they worked their way through their set. The crowd warmed to them too and by the end there cheers and applause for every track.

Following them were The Gonads. For me these guys blow hot and cold, but seeing two guys in the line-up who play for other bands i like made me sure this was going to be a cracking set .. and so it was. The crowd loved them too joining in with tracks like 'I Lost my Love to a UK Sub' and 'Frankenskin' .. which also had someone join them on stage wearing a Frankenstein mask!

A brilliant night with 4 excellent bands, we both went home very contented ... especially after a nice kebab to finish off the evening!